Monday, 14 November 2016

How to Build Brand using Various Marketing Materials? Part 1 - Understanding USP and the difference between Brochure, Flyers, Catalogue, Leaflets, Pamphlets & Prospectus

I need a Break!!!!

Yes every weekend, it s a break from our regular cooking and I get to order food just at the comfort of our living room. What do we do by default? Immediately, we tend to pull up the draw; find the piece of paper containing the menu and number of favorite restaurants and order your favorite food. Isn't the scene in almost all the households?

Life has become that simple. Be the offers or launches or the upgrades, the information about the products/services is available to us right at the doorstep or in fact at every place we go.

The credit to such easy access goes to the power of advertisement. Advertisement or Brand promotion is done using various forms of media like television, radio, and websites and also printed on newspapers. Brand development also includes sharing these marketing materials such as Brochure, Pamphlet, Prospectus, Leaflets, Fliers, and Catelogue from door to door. 

Have u ever wondered why there are so many types of branding documents? Did you know each document/material come with unique features and its own style? Read on.

What is a Branding Document?

A 'branding document' is nothing but establishing a particular brand through the print media and other social media portals. It is to ensure that the marketing or promotion of that particular brand reaches every potential client so that it increases the awareness for the particular product. The print media specifically aids in reaching the users who do not access to online information.

However, in this “Gen Y” era , with internet in everybody’s pocket, these marketing materials are also shared in their “e” versions to gain easy access to information.

Types of Advertising/ Branding Documents

A few types of print media apart from newspaper and magazines would be:

Difference between Brochure, Pamphlets, Leaflets, Catalogues, Fliers, Print Media, Posters - SLN Brand Studio


1. Brochure - A set of pages pinned or bound or folded together to illustrate what the product is all about. It often includes images and graph along with crisp content.

2. Pamphlet - A small booklet describing the product and having a paper cover that is generally not bound

3. Prospectus – A document or booklet containing a formal summary of both technical and non technical features of a product, business or service

4. Leaflets – A single sheet of paper containing very brief information about the product, usually distributed for free.

5. Flyers – A small bill designed in an eye catching manner irrespective of the design structure to reach out to a large customer base.

6. Catalogue – A booklet or a record that usually lists all the items or features usually in alphabetical or symmetrical order.

7. Poster – A large printed piece of paper usually attached to any vertical surface that has both textual and graphical information.

How different are these Advertisement and Branding documents?

These advertising and marketing documents are usually misunderstood and used interchangeably. The table below charts the differences between Brochure, Flyers, Catalogue, Leaflets, Pamphlets & Prospectus; also helps to understand the USP of each document.

Difference between Brochure, Pamphlet, Prospectus, Leaflets, Flyers, Catalogue, Poster - SLN Brand Studio

Branding and Advertising Document

Media plays an important role in bringing the brand into our lives and increasing the brand value, brand image and brand equity of the product/service or business.

Achieve Brand Equity by using Brochure, Flyers, Catalogue, Leaflets, Pamphlets & Prospectus

Brand equity is nothing but the value of possessing a particular brand. It indicates that higher brand equity can attribute to additional revenue generation just by the name of the brand. 

·        Any branding document such as brochures, pamphlets, leaflets, catalogue etc add to the sensory experience of information being reached out.

When brands appeal to more than three senses, advertising effectiveness will increase with 70 per cent.” - Martin Lindstrom, writer of Brand Sense

The branding documents offer reliability and trust about the brand while the customer can involve themselves with the content printed on the paper as they take their time to read through them.

·         The e-versions shared on the internet statistically increases the turnaround by 48%.

Create Brand Image using Brochure, Flyers, Catalogue, Leaflets, Pamphlets & Prospectus

Brand image is nothing but the summation of all the information and expectations of a customer from a particular brand. The branding documents list down all possible features of the brand and a well designed document makes it more attractive and thereby increases the brand image.

The ease of access to information and the static message offered by such docs multiplies the exposure of the product amongst the readers eventually amplifying the brand image.

Increase the Brand Value using Brochure, Flyers, Catalogue, Leaflets, Pamphlets & Prospectus

Brand value is defined as worth given to a particular brand. With increasing brand equity and image, the brand value automatically increases. The Print media also geographically increases the customer base and thereby the turnaround for the brand awareness. 

McDonalds building Brand Equity through Marketing Materials

For Ex: a pamphlet from McDonald definitely carries more value than any other burger joint because of its huge customer base. 

Apart from the above branding additions, these documents are very cost effective, help earn ROI in multiple times due to its reach to a huge clientele and new & emerging markets.

Do you want your brand to stand out from the crowd? Establish your business/service/product through the branding documents.

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